
Welcome! I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science & Criminal Justice at the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire. I study state and local politics, public opinion, and political behavior, with a focus on the intersection of policing and politics. My primary research uses experiments to examine how public opinion can be influenced during controversial events, such as police shootings, a pandemic, or international incidents, as well as the public’s attitudes towards policy changes in response to such events.

I have published or ongoing projects using experiments to examine varied aspects of political behavior. Some examples include testing how religion affects foreign intervention policy preferences, how incentive programs affected COVID-19 vaccination uptake, and how public support for democratization policies are impacted by interest group cues. I teach substantive undergraduate courses on topics including the U.S. national government, U.S. constitutional law, criminal justice, law and society, and U.S. state and local government, as well as methodological courses on basic research design and quantitative analysis.

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